Characters :
pandai2 la baca sendiri eh..aku malas nak translate dalam BM..kalo x fhm jugak, pegi bukak Google Translate.. ^_^
Mizushima Hiro as Shibata Rihito
The butler with the best looks and ability. He is the hope of a family of butlers that has served generations of the Hongo Group, which is the largest corporation in Japan and one of the largest in the world. He received hothousing to thoroughly train him to be a butler, and also performs the role of bodyguard. He handles everything indifferently on the premise that it’s for Mei’s interest but it’s robotic avoidance.
Eikura Nana as Shinonome Mei
She was raised as the daughter of a noodle shop owner but learns that she is the successor of the Hongo Group when her parents suddenly die. Mei’s school results are poor but she’s a cheerful and popular girl. She’s also very stubborn and has the habit of bottling up her worries. At St Lucia Girl’s Academy, she tackles various problems with the ideas and spontaneity of a commoner and grows up influenced by the wealthy girls around her.
Sato Takeru as Shibata Kento
Rihito’s younger brother. He is Mei’s childhood friend and has always liked her. But Mei has not reciprocated his sincere feelings and because both of them are very stubborn, they end up quarrelling. Kento is worried for Mei, who has joined St Lucia Girl’s Academy, and decides to enroll in a butler school in order to protect her. He is jealous of his older brother but Rihito is marvels at the qualities that Kento possesses.
Yamada Yu as Hongo Shiori
The female student who has been crowned with the title “Lucia”, which is given to the best lady of St Lucia Girl’s Academy. She wields absolute power over the students. After Mei’s father ran away from the Hongo household, she was adopted as the successor and suppressed feelings of whether she will be the right person for the Hongo family. As a result, her heart became very black. She is jealous of Mei who has made Rihito her butler. At the same time, Mei also becomes her worst enemy as the Hongo Group’s successor.
Mukai Osamu as Shinobu
The butler who serves Shiori. His real name, age and background is not known. Called the most beautiful butler within the academy, he is as popular as Rihito. Shinobu holds a Doctor of Medicine and simultaneously works as the academy’s physician. He follows Shiori’s orders with complete loyalty and also excels at schemes to demean people. He is in effect the perpetrator who sets Rihito and Mei up. His feelings for Shiori goes beyond his professional duties as a butler but … ?
Horiuchi Keiko as Sister Rose
The principal of St Lucia Girl’s Academy. She has a candid personality and adopts a policy of non-interference, leaving the academy’s autonomy to all the students. She has a clear understanding of the purpose of cultivating the next generation of ladies and gives shrewd advice to Mei and other troubled students. Sister Rose was a graduate of the academy and was crowned with the title “Lucia” for being the best student at that time. She became legendary as the best Lucia in the history of the academy.
Tsugawa Masahiko as Hongo Kintaro
The present head of the Hongo Group. He is Mei’s grandfather but he is a stern man who doesn’t give her preferential treatment even though they are blood relations. He seems to speak coldly as far as she is concerned. However, this is also because he wants her to be strong. He knew that Rihito’s father, Hideto, who is also his chief butler, was harbouring Mei’s family but he tacitly tolerated his son’s way of life.
yang ni je aku translate kan..hehehh :P
Shinonome Mei, merupakan anak tunggal kepada pemilik kedai mi. Dia menjalani kehidupan yang gembira sehingga dia tiba-tiba menerima berita kematian ibu bapanya dalam kemalangan. Kemudian, Shibata Rihito, seorang lelaki kacak muncul di hadapan Mei dan dengan rendah dirinya berkata, " Saya adalah pelayan awak". Datuk kepada Mei ialah Hingo Kintaro, seorang jutawan. Bapa Mei telah melarikan diri daripada rumah dan membesarkannya sambil merahsiakan tentang latar belakang keluarganya dari semua orang termasuk Mei. Namun Mei berada dalam keadaan yang bahaya kerana dia adalah pewaris Kumpulan Hongo. Kerana takut orang disekelilingnya dapat tahu tetang perkara itu, Mei tiada pilihan lain kecuali memutuskan untuk dimasukkan ke Akademi St Lucia Girl di mana semua pelajarnya terdiri daripada anak-anak orang kaya yang setiap seorang mempunyai pelayan yang kacak. Tapi para pelajarnya dilarang sama sekali mempunyai hubungan perasaan dengan pelayannya. Di sana, dia dilayan dengan teruk oleh rakan sekelasnya. Namun, Rihito sentiasa ada disisi Mei untuk melindunginya. Rakan baik Mei, Shibata Kento yang merupakan adik kepada Rihito yang sentiasa mahu menemani Mei telah memutuskan untuk menjadi pelayan pelatih di akademi tersebut kerana mahu melindungi Mei seperti mana abangnya juga. Hongo Shiori yang merupakan anak angkat keluarga Hongo membenci Mei kerana Rihito mahu menjadi pelayan yang setia kepada Mei. Shiori mahu Rihito kembali kepadanya sebagai pelayan. Oleh sebab itu, Tami, rakan satu dorm dengan Mei dan juga Shinobu, pelayan Shiori telah membuat pelbagai ancaman untuk membuat Mei berhenti dari akademi tersebut dan juga mengembalikan Rihito sebagai kepada Shiori. Namun pada Rihito, dia hanya mahu menjadi pelayan Mei kerana pada masa yang sama dia mencintai Mei dan Mei juga turut merasakan hal yang sama. Akhirnya, Mei dan Shiori membuat satu pertarungan untuk memiliki Rihito.

Shibata Rihito (Hiro Mizushima)
Shinonome Mei (Eikura Nana)
Shibata Kento (Sato Takeru)
suasana dalam kelas.. sofa tuh!!!
aku suka time ni.. weee!!! ^^,
Shinobu (Mukai Osamu)
aku suka tgk dia senyum.. sweet!! walaupun dia jahat...huhu
haihhhhhh hensemnya dia niii..^___^
Rihito - please keep it as secret..
Mei - ...............
Mei - Please promise me that you must win in this duel..
Rihito - I am promise...
sweet gila aku tgk org2 jahat ni..^_^
Rihito - Erkkkk -_+! aku kene panah
Mei - Tidaaaaaaaaakkkkk!!!!!
behind the scene
Rihito - weyhhh aku kene panah ni!! cepatlah cabottt
Mei - HAHAHAHAHA!! lawak la muka ko..macam org sakit nak beranak je!!
aku - agagagagagaaaa (gelak mr crab)
Rihito - I'm promise that i'll never leave u alone..i'll forever stay by your side..
Sepanjang malam aku berjaga semata-mata tengok cerita ni.. best giller weyh!! sampai pukul 5.30 pagi aku tak tido2 lagi.. Seronoknya kalau ada orang yang sanggup menjadi pelayan kita..maksud pelayan dalam cite ni lebih kurang mcm penjaga peribadi laa..tapi dia jugak berperanan untuk melindungi orang yang dia jaga tu.. sweet laa Hiro tu dalam cite ni.. aku ada 4 cerita yang dia berlakon.. Lovely Complex, Hana Kimi, Tokyo's Dogs dgn Mei-chan No Shitsuji.. dalam cite lovely complex, dia bukan pelakon utama..lagipun watak dia x menyerlah sgt.. dalam cite Hana Kimi ngn Tokyo's Dogs, karektor dia sama.. playboy, gila2 n gentlement.. tpi watak dia dalam cite yg ni mmg lain sangat3!! boleh buat aku jatuh centa kot..hahahahaha.. anyway, dia dah nak kawin kann?? semoga berbahagia sampai ke anak cucu hendaknya...^__^!!